Friday, March 16, 2018

Top Seven Tips on How to Become a Charming Person

 Top Seven Tips on How to Become a Charming Person

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Top Seven Tips on How to Become a Charming Person

Charm is the power to please or attract others to ones self. Charming people are considered as smarter and they are treated better at department stores and other places. They also receive promotions faster than people who do not have a charming personality. Charming people are happier, more socially acceptable, achieve social and business success, liked by others, listen to, popular, and people with outgoing personality. The trait of a charming person is that they make others feel important by focusing their attention, thoughts, and actions on them.

If you do not consider yourself as a charming person and you want to become one, you need to change your personality. Once you make a few personality changes the magic will start to happen. You can make plans to become more charming by reading books, listening to tapes, keeping a journal, becoming aware of your thoughts, changing your thoughts from negative to positive, visualizing yourself talking to people saying good things about you and good things about others. The following are seven tips on what you can do to become a charming person:

1. Make Changes to the way you dress by wearing the right colors, clothes and cosmetics [Know what to wear and how to wear it].

2. Make Changes to the way you stand by standing straight and tall with straight shoulders and tummy tuck [avoid crossing hands].

3. Make Changes to the way you walk and do not shuffle but keep your head up as you make eye contact with the person [develop a beautiful walk].

4. Make Changes to the way you talk and practice having a pleasing voice by breathing from the diaphragm rather than chest [develop a good speaking voice].

5. Make Changes to your appearance and choose best fashion and style for yourself. Get a manicure treatment [by yourself or professionally].

6. Make Changes to your appearance and choose best hair style for yourself. Get your hair done and styled [by yourself or professionally].

7. Make certain you have a firm handshake when you greet someone. A handshake is an expression of friendliness. It tells the other person you are glad to see him. It is an expression of your personality.

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