Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Acquire Financial Expertise for Your Bootstrapped Business

Acquire Financial Expertise for Your Bootstrapped Business

Image source: https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/modern-management-of-small-businesses/section_14/14544f693386097299a4062e02bc7eb3.jpg

Acquire Financial Expertise for Your Bootstrapped Business

Qualified financial advisors, such as bookkeepers, accountants, and tax preparers, are priceless for any business. Their budget-busting fees are often unaffordable for a bootstrapped business. Consequently, you must master the fundamentals, such as cash management, recordkeeping, and getting paid, in order for your business to survive and thrive. It is equally important to recognize the circumstances that require the assistance of a qualified financial advisor. There are free or inexpensive ways to acquire financial expertise for your business. The section below provides a few of them:

1. Hire a college student, who is majoring in accounting or finance, to perform bookkeeping or other accounting tasks on a part-time basis. He or she should have an understanding of the accounting process. You will create a win-win situation for both the student and your company. The student will gain relevant work experience at a reasonable hourly rate, while your company practices sound financial management. Contact local business colleges in your area to learn about their internship programs or job posting requirements.

2. Locate a business coach to assist you with learning financial management of your small business. Notice that I did not suggest that you find an expert who will perform services without proper consideration. Such a relationship will not last. Start your search for a coach by contacting the Small Business Administration (SBA) or Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) in your area. Additionally, there are online business coaches available to assist.

3. Attend seminars and training classes to learn financial nuts and bolts. There are plenty of nonprofit and governmental organizations, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), that offer relevant financial information to business owners. The IRS offers onsite and online training courses. Additionally, consider enrolling in a tax school sponsored by one of the national tax chains. Many of these schools are free to attend or require a small fee for books and materials. Make it your business to learn basic tax laws and tax preparation skills.

4. Participate in relevant Blogs and online forums in order to learn from your peers. Do not minimize the benefit of sharing experiences and knowledge with other bootstrappers or coaches. You just have to get involved.

5. Increase your financial literacy by reading relevant information about starting and operating a small business. Make an effort to locate information that targets bootstrapping, since this form of entrepreneurship has its own challenges and rewards.

There are additional options that can be pursued to acquire financial expertise for your bootstrapped business. The list above is just a smart start. Before you decide to take advantage of them or other alternatives, understand their limitations. In general, the alternatives should not be used to replace the real contributions of a compensated financial advisor (when applicable). As a matter of fact, there are circumstances that should not be handed off just to save a few dollars. Examples include setting up a computerized accounting system, systematizing the accounting functions, appraising a business, bringing in a partner or investor, planning the purchase of capital assets, and answering queries from the IRS and other authorities. Of course, a bartered transaction between your business and a financial advisor to save money is okay. You just have to make sure the exchange is equitable.

Before you bootstrap your next big idea or continue with your current enterprise, take care of the fundamentals first. Learn to become an expert in small business financial management. There are free or inexpensive opportunities to assist you. Where you lack in experience or access, be willing to hire a qualified financial advisor. Ultimately, you are increasing the chances of your business succeeding.

Accounting and Finance as a way to start a new career, not just a job

Accounting and Finance as a way to start a new career, not just a job

Image source: https://wp.myperfectcoverletter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/customer-service-representative-accounting-and-finance.jpg

Accounting and Finance as a way to start a new career, not just a job

Do you love what you do?
One of the biggest problem in todays world is that people dont like their jobs. They moan about getting up early, going to work and being stuck in the traffic for hours. Is your work not rewarding enough and you get more and more upset every morning about your life? Would you like to change your job, but are worried that youll never find anything better, or anything at all? But what if I told you that you dont need to be worried too much? Whether youre a graduate and just entering the professional world or youd like to change your life and career, there is a solution.

An ancient philosopher, Confucius, said: Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.

If you know your hobby and want to make it your career, go for it. But if you need to start from scratch, Ill tell you the quickest way.

Learn something new without wasting your time.
Of course, to be good at something, we need to learn it, study it and put all our heart into it. Learning a new skill is a long commitment. Thats why I recommend learning something that gives you widely recognised qualifications from the start, with an option to follow on to develop your career even further. Vocational courses are the best choice, as theyve been designed to offer learners the training for a particular job or a career. They are suitable for people who wish to improve their skills. Vocational courses can be studied full time, part time or even sometimes by distance learning.

Get a career that will allow you to grow.
Contrary to popular belief, one of the most expanding careers are in accounting and finance. This would require obtaining accounting qualifications, and possibly going on AAT courses, bookkeeping courses, or financial analysis training. Its no secret that most appreciated and well-paid jobs are within the financial structures of companies.

After completion of the basic AAT course, youll be able to start a job within an accounting company as a junior or trainee. Then you can develop your skills and further advance your knowledge be doing additional Foundation courses. Eventually you can become a fully certified accountant and a bookkeeper.

Whether its to boost the confidence when applying for a new job, or just to add something to your CV, AAT courses are an excellent choice. Every business, big or small requires financial management, so demand for financial and accounting skills is always high.

Expert trainers from Souters College, who specialise in business and office skills training, are saying that from their experience, more and more people want to gain financial and accounting knowledge and skills. When their college started in 1988 in London with a small number of students, now theyre training different range of people, from individuals to large corporations.

As AAT vocational courses cover a comprehensive knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping techniques, they are a good value for money. You wont waste your time learning un-practical skills, but in contrast, youll become a specialist in a particular subject.

Am I too old to learn new skills?
Another great news is that with AAT courses, and with most other vocational courses, your age doesnt matter. Whether youre a school leaver, or looking to change your career you can take an opportunity and start a course regardless of your age. Financial and bookkeeping courses are available for school leavers and they can learn practical skills through apprenticeship program, together with studying a course in the same time. Youre able to learn between other commitments due to flexibility of the courses.

Choose the best providers only.
Trainers from the Souters College are warning that it is important to look for the best course providers who are fully AAT certified and accredited. Do your research about which providers can fulfil your criteria and provide you with the best possible options. There are many accounting and finance training centres, but not all are equal.

Monday, March 19, 2018

A Proven Way to Analyze Your Real Estate Investment from Top to Bottom

A Proven Way to Analyze Your Real Estate Investment from Top to Bottom

Image source: http://willardrealty.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Hold_single_1_6.png

A Proven Way to Analyze Your Real Estate Investment from Top to Bottom

If you're a prudent real estate investor, and we'll assume that you are, then once you locate your prospective real estate investment, you must analyze it carefully and thoroughly. You must verify all the details about the property, especially the income and expenses the seller shows. You must never rely on just what you hear.

Develop a property analysis that includes an APOD, Proforma Income Statement, Rent Roll, and so on. In addition to helping you make a wise investment decision, these types of real estate analysis reports also serve as a reminder for items you want to know, such as type of units, age of the property, rent breakdown per unit, expense items, lot size, property and location features, and so on. You can use a real estate investment software solution to assist you.

Analyze the potential real estate investment using the following list of the various phases. If the rental property doesn't seem to make financial sense after your initial analysis has been made, perhaps altering one or more of these will improve the financial picture and make the property a good real estate investment.

1) Income: Can rents be increased, and can they be increased soon after you purchase the property? Would a change in the type of tenant in the building allow for higher rents, maybe income is suffering because of poor or non-existent management? Can the building be used in some other way to increase income, such as a motel, or small offices? Be certain local zoning allows for any proposed changes. Does the property have a reasonable potential to provide other income such as a coin-operated laundry facility, garages, or storage rooms?

2) Expenses: Take a close look at operating expenses to see whether any of them are excessive. If they are, will you be able to lower them? You may not have control over all of them, but you may save some money if you intend doing your own lawn maintenance and repairs.

3) Financing: You can adjust the return on an investment merely by applying various financing techniques. Whereas one type of financing package might make your prospective real estate investment look unprofitable, another financing package might as easily turn your prospective property into a sound, profitable investment. Try various alternatives in financing to see how the mortgage impacts cash flow, rate of return, and profitability.

4) Cash flow: Don't just consider the before-tax cash flow produced by the investment real estate to determine your overall benefits. Look at the after-tax cash flow and determine what your property will give you in the way of a return after taxes. It's always best to consider the elements of tax shelter such as the paper loss the IRS permits for depreciation (cost recovery). Again, a good real estate investment software solution will make this computation for you, so it doesn't have to be difficult or should it be ignored.

5) Price: Regardless of all other factors, some rental properties simply will not make sense unless you can get the seller to accept a lower price. To increase your chances for success, however, don't simply throw out a number. Sellers who get the impression that you're merely trying to low-ball them will be reluctant to discuss the price with you. Beforehand, tweak the price to see its affect on the cash flow and rates of return, and then select a price based on the reasonableness of the returns. Prepare those figures and discuss them with the seller. You might be surprised to discover a seller willing to listen to reason.

The point is that the numbers must make sense. Never make a decision to purchase investment real estate based on the aesthetic beauty of the building or by using a simple rule of thumb to determine its value. Remember, only women are beautiful, real estate investing is all about the numbers.

Take the time to prepare a property analysis. This is the only reasonably certain way of making the right investment decision on any prospective real estate investment. If your property analysis shows that the property doesn't make financial sense, forget how pretty it may be and don't buy it!

10 Ways to Live Richer by Paying Less

10 Ways to Live Richer by Paying Less

Image source: http://www.michaelfkay.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/10-Easy-Steps-To-Financial-Success-01-06-2013.jpg

10 Ways to Live Richer by Paying Less

You get what you pay for or so common wisdom tells us. Yet numerous examples prove that sometimes paying more actually decreases the richness of our lives. The following examples are 10 of the simplest ways to live a richer life by paying less!

1. Stop the Pop! One of the most destructive health (and money) habits in the US is our addiction to sweets, soda being chief among them. As refreshing as carbonated sweetness poured over ice may seem on a hot summer day, water is the real deal. While soda is linked to diabetes, cancer and all kinds of health nastiness, water is free, healthful and equally refreshing.

2. DIY Snacks The chip/cracker/cookie aisle in your local grocery is a mind boggling assortment of costly treats. While no single package is likely to break the bank, a fully stocked cupboard is an unnecessary expenditure. Make popcorn instead. Spread peanut butter on saltines, or better yet a celery stalk. Munch on a vegetable. Cheaper and more healthful alternatives abound!

3. The Inconvenient Truth of Convenience Foods From prepackaged dinners to mini-marts to the ever-present fast food restaurant, for some convenience food is an 'every meal' experience. For others its the work lunch. But its nearly always more expensive and less healthful than home prepared meals. And cooking can be a wonderful experience! Even the simplest recipes can provide a sense of accomplishment. (My favorite feel-good recipe is banana bread. Try it!)

4. Keep Special Nights Special I like to go out for a nice dinner and movie as much as the next person. But entertainment can be a huge monetary drain. Schedule some in-home alternatives (a first run dvd and popcorn with NO cell phones or laptops can be a refreshing experience) or perhaps an evening stroll. Check your local paper for free entertainment. It doesnt always have to cost a bundle. And by simplifying your regular entertainment the occasional splurge will feel that much more special!

5. Put One Foot After the Other If you are fortunate to live within a half-mile of a grocery store or other services, leave the car and go by foot. As our nation continues to struggle with the byproducts of sedentary lifestyles (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc), walking, running or biking can go a long way toward improved health. Not only will you save gas money and the wear and tear of short trips on your car, the long term effects on your health may yield even greater benefits!

6. Explore Your Own Backyard The term staycation may be cliche, but its still a valid concept that can mean thousands in saved cash. Why travel hundreds of miles to discover something new and exciting when something equally interesting is hiding in the next town over? Become an expert in your regional offerings and you might find yourself getting out even more!

7. The REAL Rewards Card (Library Card) Your local library is a wealth of opportunity! Whether you want to study philosophy, learn a language, watch a movie or figure out e-books, your library can probably help. Libraries are like a school, an entertainment center, a technology resource and more all rolled into one. And better yet... theyre FREE! ...if you get your materials back on time. :-)

8. Well Loved Goods Buying something shiny and new is a wonderful experience. But dont think that everything needs to come that way. Buying something used can be equally rewarding, especially as you grow to cherish the unbelievable deals available to the bargain hunter.

9. Dont Buy That Yet! Impulse buying leads to many a financial crisis. Very often simply delaying your purchase for an established period of time will lead to a clearer head and fewer bouts of buyers remorse. Whether you create a waiting period of a one week or 30 days, determine what works for you and stick with it!

10. Garden! Though some may argue the premise that gardening reduces expenses, if you are careful, grow foods you like to eat, and make use of everyday items when possible it can be an extremely efficient undertaking. Additionally, the spiritual benefit of working in the soil and taking quiet time for yourself is priceless!

A rich life does not need to be expensive. And if it contributes to financial hardship, whats the point? Get closer to core, spend time with those you cherish, make and grow food, improve yourself: these are aspects of a life richly lived. Dont let the ads (or even common wisdom) convince you otherwise!

7 Must-Have Apps for College Students

7 Must-Have Apps for College Students

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/6f/f8/7b/6ff87b6d3dfe3a0870d92480dcbefdcb.jpg

7 Must-Have Apps for College Students

Your college years may be filled with exciting new experiences, and you can grow a lot as an individual during these years. However, college is also a stressful time in many ways. From learning how to manage your finances properly and adjusting to life on your own to managing a busy school schedule and more, you need all of the help that you can get.

With the right combination of useful apps, you may be able to reduce your stress level, save time and focus more attention on your school work. These are some of the most useful apps that you can benefit from in your college years.

myHomework Student Planner

Most college students take multiple classes at one time with due dates on various assignments and papers flying by at all times. Staying on top of all the tasks might be challenging for some students.

If you have trouble keeping up with all of your assignments and projects for each class that you are enrolled in, myHomework Student Planner is an excellent resource to use. It is available in a free or paid version for most devices. Both versions give you notifications and alerts when projects or assignments are due soon. The paid version lets you attach files and enjoy other benefits.


GoConqr is a huge network of educational resources that students can benefit from during all aspects of their college career. It can help you become a better student and save you a substantial amount of time by giving you easy access to quality educational tools.

You can access more than eight million resources on a wide range of topics. These resources include mind maps, notes, flashcards and more, enabling you to take your learning experience to a new level. You can even post your own content to share with others in a public or private platform.


Making lists is an excellent way to help you stay organized and on task, and Wunderlist is an excellent list-making app. You can do everything from making a grocery list to making a project list for your study group. Lists can be sent to other devices and even shared with others with ease.

This is a free app that is only available with Apple products. When you use Wunderlist, you can eliminate the issue of losing or misplacing lists, and you will have access to a list from any location.


For college students who struggle with budgeting, the Goodbudget app gives you a high-tech version of the envelope system to manage your finances.

Goodbudget has financial management applications, goal-making tools, graphs and more. You can link all of your financial accounts to the app so you can simplify managing your finances. This is a free app that is available for Android and Apple products, and it can work across multiple devices.


If you struggle with your works cited or references page in reports and projects, RefMe is an excellent resource for you to use.  You simply scan barcodes of books you used for your assignment, and your works cited page will be automatically created for you.

The app gives you the ability to choose between a full range of citation methods for maximum functionality. It can eliminate your stress in this area while also helping you to avoid losing points related to citation and reference errors.


Many college students struggle to listen to what is being said in class while also writing notes. If you are challenged by the note-taking process, SoundNote is a wonderful app that can help you to improve your educational experience.

You simply turn the app on at the beginning of class. It records audio while you take notes, and you can replay the audio while reviewing your notes. This can dramatically improve your overall ability to study and understand concepts covered in class.

Circle of 6

The Circle of 6 app is well-suited for groups of friends who may lose contact with each other while out at clubs or parties. You can connect your phones together through the app, and a GPS function lets you track your friends while they track your location. There is also an emergency one-button alert feature. This app will help keep you safe while you are out and about with your friends.

Final Thoughts

While you could walk through your college years trying to manage all aspects of your life manually, you can see that this is not necessary. Through a combination of each of these apps, you can improve your life in many areas. Each has the ability to reduce your stress, save you time or benefit you in other ways. Analyze your student life today to see which areas you need to improve in most substantially before you start trying out different apps.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

6 Options for Funding Your Small Business

6 Options for Funding Your Small Business

Image source: https://www.salesforce.com/content/dam/blogs/legacy/2015/01/6a00e54ee3905b883301bb07d3797b970.jpg

6 Options for Funding Your Small Business

One of the most burning questions entrepreneurs ask is how to go about funding their new businesses. Fortunately, there are as many answers to the question as there are businesses. This is a two-edged sword, however. While there are plenty of ways to fund a new business, the options can be overwhelming. As you ponder how you might go about funding your business, consider these 6 options:

1. Investments and Savings. This is the most logical place to start when finding business funding. If youre serious about starting your own business, then you should be willing to put your money where your dreams are. The advantage of financing your own endeavors is that youre not beholden to anyone if your business goes under. The disadvantage, of course, is that you can completely wipe out your savings if your business fails. So consider what percentage of your assets youre willing to liquidate for the sake of the business.

2. Family and Friends. This is a good option for many business owners, but consider it seriously before you start asking your own friends and family for money. Borrowing money from people with whom you are close can be risky business as it can cause lots of tension. Even if they tell you that they dont expect you to pay them back, the issue will always be the elephant in the room.

3. Second Mortgage. One option for raising money is to use the equity in your
own home. This carries a lot of risk, however. The disadvantage is that the money will have to be paid back whether or not your business is a success. But the advantage is that the interest might be tax deductible on this low-interest source of funds.

4. Credit Cards. This is a very risky option, but one that many business owners opt for anyway. Its easy to get a line of credit, and many credit card companies will be willing to let you charge great amounts. The interest rates are high, though, and you could end up with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt if your business fails.

5. Angels. These are individuals who invest in start-up businesses in exchange for part ownership. Angels usually provide the seed money and are typically a businesss first formal investors. Be aware up front that some investors will simply give you the money and leave well enough alone. Others, however, will expect you to gladly accept whatever help or guidance theyd like to give you, so be clear from the very beginning what the role of the angel investor will be in your business.

6. Venture Capital. Venture capitalists are essentially more aggressive angel investors with much higher expectations. While angel investors will often write you a check and hand it to you with a smile, venture capitalists will write you a check and hand it to you along with an enormous pile of legal documents. They will expect to give a great deal of input, and they will probably be quite unhappy if your business isnt run the way they feel it should be run. Instead of giving help and guidance, they will often give ultimatums and demands.

If youre seriously considering using a venture capitalist, choose wisely. Dont jump at the first offer you receive. If your business idea is good enough for one capitalist to be interested, it will interest others as well.
Regardless of how to choose to finance your business, spend your money wisely and follow a specific plan of spending and paying back. Consider your options carefully and choose the one that will allow you to get the job down while retaining the amount of control youre most comfortable with. In the end, the less you have to borrow, the more you will own.

6 Essential Steps in Setting up a Small Business

6 Essential Steps in Setting up a Small Business

Image source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-q715aWKxFEw/UlP-XKXmvcI/AAAAAAAAAEU/3i70ywb_feI/s1600/network.gif

6 Essential Steps in Setting up a Small Business

There are countless options when it comes to starting a business, and they are increasing with the emergence of new technology. Starting a new business is a huge responsibility, and it is essential that an entrepreneur understands the extent of responsibility before starting one.

There are certain steps that every entrepreneur should follow if they want to set up a successful and efficient business.

Identifying Business Opportunities:

The most important decision that a person needs to make is what kind of business they should start. There are countless possibilities and making a choice can be overwhelming. Choose the industry that suits your personality and also your knowledge criteria. You should know the skills you would be bringing to the table.

Creating a Business Plan:

Once you have identified the best opportunity, you need to formulate a plan. The business plan should include the understanding of the structure, capital requirements and competition. The successful business plan required thorough research of the industry. The plan should specify the finance plan along with business structure, name and branding. The plan should always be in written form so that it is easy to follow.

Selecting the Location:

The location of the business is also critical for the success of the business. Setting up the office is an essential step for the business. You need to select the location and then the building. The building should be equipped with the best equipment such as jic stainless steel fittings so that it is perfect for the business and the employees can work easily. Getting the supplies and designing the workplace plays a major role in running a business.

Getting Permits and License:

The paperwork and regulations are an important part of setting up the business. The paperwork no matter how mundane should never be ignored because it can cause legal problems and damage a starting business. The permits and paperwork you need depend on the business structure, and it also needs to be registered with local authorities.

The Business Insurance:

Starting a new business is a risky step. No matter how much planning you do, there is always a chance of failure. Managing the risk associated with the business is a huge responsibility of business owners. You can keep your investment safe by getting business insurance. The insurance will help in protecting the investment in case of a disaster or litigation.

Establishing an Accounting System:

Financial management is one of the most important aspects of starting a business. If you want the business to succeed, then you need to have an efficient accounting system. The flow of cash determines the scale of success so you should never ignore the bookkeeping and accounting aspect of the business. You can hire accountants to make sure that you know how much money is coming in and how much is being spent. If you do not have the budget to hire the number of people you need, then you can always use accounting software. The accounting software will help in automating the accounting which will save you time and money.

After you have you have gone through these steps; you need to hire people and start working.

5 Tips to Making a More Flexible Budget

5 Tips to Making a More Flexible Budget

Image source: http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/57006855/id/D5_HxbfiRYO200duSm3oCg/size/y.jpg

5 Tips to Making a More Flexible Budget

Creating a budget sounds like you're designing a rigid structure that you have to stick to regardless of what else is going on in your life. While a budget is a great set of guidelines that will help you keep your finances in order, you want a more flexible budget that will allow you to enjoy financial freedom. These five tips will make that process easier.

Build In Spending Money

Often, the push to create a budget come from the need to pay off debt or save for a specific large expense. Even the tightest budget, however, needs some room for fun purchases. Make sure that your budget includes a little bit of money that's yours to spend as you like--at least until it runs out.

Leave Yourself Wiggle Room

Some expenses vary from one month to the next: your power bill, for example, or maybe your grocery budget. When you're writing out your budget, aim high. For example, if you typically spend $500 a month on groceries, but know that number goes up if you're having a party, leave yourself an extra $50 in the grocery budget on a regular basis. This will leave you the room to make your purchases without feeling like you're blowing your budget in the process.

Know What You'll Do With Extra Funds

When you do come up with an opportunity to save--say, you don't actually spend that extra $50 in your grocery budget this month, or gas prices dropped, so you didn't drive as much as you thought you would -- where does the extra money go? You have several options depending on your current financial situation and your financial priorities. For example, you might move the money to a specific budget item that is running a little short -- including your "play money" fund, if that's appropriate for your financial situation this month. You can also leave the surplus money in that budget item so that you'll have it to spend later: for example, if your power bill was low this month, but you know cold weather is coming and will cause it to rise, you might leave the extra money as part of your electricity budget so that you won't have to sweat over the increase next month.

Also Consider shifting the money to savings. Your emergency fund can always use the extra! Or you can use the money you saved for a specific purpose such as paying down debt or saving up for a specific splurge that you really want to be able to enjoy with your family.

Be Open to New Chances to Save

Don't assume that just because your budget has always worked, it's set in stone! There are plenty of other opportunities to save. You might try couponing to see if you can find better deals on your upcoming shopping trips, as well as learning to maximize your grocery budget by shopping sales and meal planning. You might also consider running a car insurance comparison to see if you can save money on your existing plan. In general, there are many areas in which you can try cutting down extra spending.

To create a truly flexible budget that allows you the freedom to do a little extra spending from time to time, always be on the lookout for savings. The more you can save, the more financial freedom you have!

Use an App

There are plenty of great budgeting apps that allow you the flexibility to move money around as necessary. Budgeting apps are an excellent way to keep track of how much money you have on hand at any given moment as well as how much money you have for each line item. This is especially useful for line items in your budget that may require you to make multiple small trips over the course of the month: grocery shopping or trips to the gas station, for example.

Taking the time to create a budget is well worth your while, especially if you're struggling with tracking your spending or hoping to experience true financial freedom. By creating a flexible budget, you can enjoy all the benefits of budgeting without having to adhere to such rigid financial management that it creates more stress. Sit down with your favorite app today--it'll be worth the effort!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

4 Excellent Tax Saving Instruments That You Should Know

4 Excellent Tax Saving Instruments That You Should Know

Image source: https://rsaccountancy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dollarphotoclub_94235127.jpg

4 Excellent Tax Saving Instruments That You Should Know

With each new financial year, a whole list of concerns gets renewed along with the calendar. Working professionals, particularly, have quite a big concern to addresstax payments.

This is usually the time when employers come knocking, looking for receipts for tax-saving investments youve made during the year. This is also the time when panic hits and you scour the internet to find the quickest tax-saving plan.

But what you may not realise, when you make the purchase, is that your investment might really be a waste of money as it doesnt yield the returns you thought it would.

So, what do you do then?

Instead of juggling between checking Home Loan EMI calculators and looking at different options to transfer Home Loans, find out some of the best ways to save on taxes.

Maybe an investment that isnt just a passing trend would be your best bet. Here are 5 of the best tax-saving instruments you can go for in order to save your hard-earned money.

1. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

A PPF not only helps you save tax but also gives you a return of 8.7% on your investments. Also, the minimum recurring investment required is just Rs.500 per month, and a maximum of Rs.1.5 lakh per year. The only real downside (if you can call it that) is that youll have to bear with a lock-in period of 15 years.

2. National Pension System (NPS)

The NPS is one of the easiest tax-saving ventures you can opt for, especially if you fall under the higher bracket, with a salary of Rs.10 lakh per annum. Under this, you get tax deductions of up to Rs.50,000 according to Section 80CCD of the Indian Income Tax Act on top of the Rs.1.5 lakh available under Section 80C. Also, if you fall under the 30% tax bracket, you get an additional Rs.15,000 tax-cut.

3. Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS)

Investing in an ELSS with a lump-sum payment can guarantee a lot of tax savings under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. In case, you dont have enough funds to make a full payment, you can spread the payment over 3 months so that you can accumulate more units as compared to investing through an SIP. Also, if you are satisfied with the investments, you can convert it into a regular SIP and move forward.

4. Tax-saving Bank Deposits

This is one of the easiest investment options, one that is free of risk and extremely simple to maintain. Although the returns are more impressive for senior citizens, who get better interest rates and exemptions, they certainly help save a lot money, albeit after paying taxes. However, it is better than investing in an endowment plan that goes on for 15+ years and requires a lump-sum payment.

Now that youve found a couple of easy ways apart from saving on Home Loans to save taxes, you neednt worry when the financial year comes to an end every March.

3 Simple Steps To Manage Your Budget & Cashflow

3 Simple Steps To Manage Your Budget & Cashflow

Image source: https://weltbild.scene7.com/asset/vgw/3-simple-steps-to-manage-domestic-finance-186973680.jpg

3 Simple Steps To Manage Your Budget & Cashflow

I bet just the very title of this article is enough to make you run for cover! Along with paper piles, budget and Cashflow is another area that can drive solo business owners over the edge! In your corporate days you would have had a bookkeeping/accounting department that took care of all of this for you - they paid the invoices, they tracked the receivables, they tracked the income, and they told you the bottom line!

Now that you're running your own business you are also the Chief Financial Officer, and it can be very overwhelming. However, it needn't be... let me share with you three simple steps that you can put in place to manage your budget and Cashflow.

What is a Cashflow projection?

One important area of your Financial Management System is that of a Cashflow projection. Put simply, a Cashflow projection shows whether your anticipated income will be able to cover your expected (projected) expenses and this report is very beneficial to you in your business.

It is an annual report and, if set up correctly, will show you how cash will flow through your business throughout the current financial year. I've been using a Cashflow report in my business for many years and find it invaluable. Just recently the chance to participate in a high-profile teleclass series came up, and because I have my systems in place, I knew straightaway that it was something I could take part in!

Step 1 - Create Your Cashflow Report

This is very easy to do using a spreadsheet. Create a column that lists all of your expenses, i.e. office supplies, legal & professional fees, membership, advertising etc. and a column for each month of the year. You will need to create formulae that will tell you your total income, total expenses, and subtracts the expenses from the income, and also carries forward any amounts from month-to-month. This is so you can see how your finances are 'flowing' throughout the year.

Step 2 - Input Your Data

Taking your financial data from your bookkeeping system input your actual income and expenses, and list any projected expenses in the appropriate row/column. Your Cashflow report will now show you at-a-glance any time periods for which you will need to be especially aware of. For example you may have a lot of expenses in one particular month so you'll know that the previous month you'll need to make sure that you have the funds kept back in your bank account to take care of those upcoming expenses.

It will also show you if you can afford to make an investment in your business, whether that's signing up for a new service or membership club, taking out an advertisement, or buying new equipment.

Your Cashflow projection can also be used as a budget planner. You can plan out when annual memberships are due and put those in ahead of time. You can also add in an amount for when your taxes are due. This will provide you with a really good feel of how cash is flowing through your business, month after month, throughout the year, and you can also tell how much you can take off for owners draw, but still leave enough to cover the anticipated expenses.

Step 3 - Schedule In The Time

Now that you have your Cashflow report in place, it's important that you update it regularly so that you can stay aware of how cash is flowing through your business, and take any actions necessary so that you have enough to cover all of your anticipated expenses.

I recommend scheduling in at least 30 minutes once a month to update this critical financial management report.

A Final Thought...

Having an annual Cashflow projection will provide you with all of the information you need so that you can keep on top of your business financially and know where you are.

If you have a bookkeeper taking care of all your financial records for you, ask them to prepare your monthly Cashflow report for you.

3 questions to effective wealth management

3 questions to effective wealth management

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTqOLvOtik-7PxTGI9sqrUHdeM2cvCpZ4WaN2AzHDLWnpND_Sz-lvnuYlAzHS_bPu2uawvyrtCDKh-m63k_998AdOZaL4MCR-qp6uXPL-uknC-RgymdUHfJ3Hm83WpIUpBkjAAPJPGVN8/s1600/Asset+Management+Conceptual+Model.jpg

3 questions to effective wealth management

Just three questions to yourself can change the way you manage your money.

Many people don't know about the money trap existing in their daily life,they start by buying a few luxuries,pay their installments and proceed buying the next ones,and this goes on each year,and they never realize that they've become so habitual of buying luxuries,paying the debt and buying more luxuries, they are in a money trap but they never know whats wrong with it.

There's nothing wrong with buying the luxuries,except the fact that they're in a "Ring Of Debt", its a ring of infinite lifetime that never ends until you realize that you're a part of it,yet many people die peacefully,unaware about it.

Well the concept is simple,you start buying few luxuries,pay the monthly installments,then buy more luxuries by debt.Though you save for some investments,but since you don't know the right financial instruments for good returns,you buy funds that are managed by a fund manager,and these funds never give you desired results.

You buy luxuries each year either by cash or debt,mostly by debt,invest in low return investments and never take out the time to get more knowledge about the power of investing and the perks of getting a good wealth quotient.

Get yourself out of this "Ring Of Debt", where you spend your lifetime paying the installments, increase your wealth quotient and get the advantage of gaining financial independence and get out of this "Ring Of Debt".

Ask this 1st question to yourself: What were my activities that brought me in the "Ring Of Debt"? In this way you can evaluate your financial management and understand whether you're in the right path to the financial independence.If you're involved in too much debt payments you need to reduce them first and increase your savings by reducing the frequency of your luxury expenditures.

Next ask yourself the 2nd question: Why am i involved in the "Ring Of Debt"? If you're involved in the ring,you can understand if this is the lifestyle you desired,if these were the goals of your life,then no problem,you can continue with it.But if you think that you need to get a more stable and successful path to passive income and effective financial management,you've to take out the major cause that brought you in this ring

It can be multiple causes,you've to take that out of your mind, note down,and eradicate it from your lifestyle.From next time if you want to become a good money manager,ignore the cause that brought you in this ring.

3rd question"How can i get out of the ring and gain financial independence?" Their can be numerous reasons that brought you in the ring of debt,most common are the child expenses and daily luxuries.You can't ignore them,but i can tell you a way that can bring you out of that mystical ring and take you to the path to financial independence.This questions helps you to look for answers and knowledge that can take you out of the ring.

The most effective being the wealth quotient.Understand what are the best investment tools that you can use to maximize the gains out of your savings.You've to take out some time daily to understand the value of wealth management and planning.When you're able to understand it,you've to apply it in your life and bingo,you're on the path to financial freedom.

Read my latest book "The Power Inside Me" for more knowledge about the wealth quotient.

Friday, March 16, 2018

3 Mobile Banking Alerts You Must Have

3 Mobile Banking Alerts You Must Have

Image source: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Qmnc6vuUTJbPXd6_VSBuDLIo8zHCeHOrFl6ehAGn_8fwDNqWae-SfX3W_MrnjWQ0hnCc=h900

3 Mobile Banking Alerts You Must Have

If youve subscribed for Online Banking Login service through your bank, you must have mobile app installed in your Smartphone. But if you dont hear any alerts on whatever financial activity is performed at your bank account, it is time to set alerts on your Online Banking App.

It doesnt matter if youre using Smartphone or iPhone, if alerts are not set by you or your concerning bank on your financial activities such as what is your current balance of ending day, what transactions have been made, deposits, and financial activities which are not usual, then it is time to take some worries.

You can set as many as alerts you want that your mobile banking app or your bank supports, but 3 alerts you must have activated in your mobile banking to keep your finance smooth and secure. Why? Because, these mobile banking alerts will help you stay informed about your finances whenever, wherever and however you want, says Michelle Moore, head of digital banking at Bank of America.

It doesnt matter of which bank youre using online banking service, these alerts are highly customizable and can be part of your best practices for smart financial management. All you need is Login to your banks online banking app or give your Bank a call for help setting up these alerts.

3 Mobile Banking Alerts EveryOne Must Have

Most of the banks in United States provide customers the facility that can help them receive timely alerts about their eligible account transactions and other financial activities at no extra cost, such as Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, Santander Bank, Bank of America etc.

These notification or alerts help you receive text or email for low balances, large transactions, account activity, and more. You can choose between the alerts you find helpful to manage your account. Moreover, these alerts will notify you via text SMS if your bank account dips below a preset limit. In this case, you can simply send back a text to transfer money.

However, if you keep on digging what more you can get out of these App alerts, the story wont end. So, let us find 3 mobile banking alerts everyone should activate in their Mobile Phones.

#1 Low Balance Alert

Low Balance Alerts notify your through text or email that your balance is lower than the amount youve set as low i.e. a predetermined amount, that could be $20, $500 or some other number you've set. This alert helps you keep an eye on your current bank status so that you can manage your later expenses accordingly.

#2 Mobile Deposit Alert

The Mobile Deposit Alert notify you via SMS or Email that some money is deposited in your bank account, or that much money has been deposited in your account at that particular time. It especially refers to when youve submit a check to deposit to your bank using Smartphone.
Think of when you walk into a banking center or financial center and the teller hands you a receipt, Moore says. Youve given us a deposit and weve given you a receipt. This alert is just like that.

#3 Unusual Activity

Once of the most important alerts you must have activated in your banks mobile banking app is related to unusual activity. The unusual activity alert notifies you through sending you a text message or email if your bank detects activity on your account which is outside of your routine financial activity, that could be fraud.

For example, the transactions beyond your usual haunts, spending that doesnt fit your pattern, and transactions for unusually high number amounts etc. You must activate this alert to make your financial states safe and secure.

Other Alerts that May have Importance for You
Your balance is above or below an amount you specify.
A withdrawal, deposit or check posts to your account.
Your ATM withdrawal or debit card purchase exceeds an amount you choose.

Your Credit Card Payment is due.
Your mortgage payment is due.
A brokerage trade goes through.
Activity occurs on your Visa or credit card. Get near real-time updates with Credit Card Alerts.
You Financial Institute detects suspicious or unusual activity on your card requiring verification by you.

Please note that if youre using web browser for online banking instead of mobile app, your web browser must be up to date. Most of the web browser automatically update, however, if you to any reason, your browser is not getting auto update from the online service, you can learn to update your browser with easy to understand step. After all, it is important for your online security and identity.

I hope, youd have enjoyed the article. I would be pleased to have your valuable feedback on mobile banking alerts. Have a nice day!

Top Seven Tips on How to Become a Charming Person

 Top Seven Tips on How to Become a Charming Person

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/73/e2/1c/73e21c245caa3997ad7b3fde82987330.jpg

Top Seven Tips on How to Become a Charming Person

Charm is the power to please or attract others to ones self. Charming people are considered as smarter and they are treated better at department stores and other places. They also receive promotions faster than people who do not have a charming personality. Charming people are happier, more socially acceptable, achieve social and business success, liked by others, listen to, popular, and people with outgoing personality. The trait of a charming person is that they make others feel important by focusing their attention, thoughts, and actions on them.

If you do not consider yourself as a charming person and you want to become one, you need to change your personality. Once you make a few personality changes the magic will start to happen. You can make plans to become more charming by reading books, listening to tapes, keeping a journal, becoming aware of your thoughts, changing your thoughts from negative to positive, visualizing yourself talking to people saying good things about you and good things about others. The following are seven tips on what you can do to become a charming person:

1. Make Changes to the way you dress by wearing the right colors, clothes and cosmetics [Know what to wear and how to wear it].

2. Make Changes to the way you stand by standing straight and tall with straight shoulders and tummy tuck [avoid crossing hands].

3. Make Changes to the way you walk and do not shuffle but keep your head up as you make eye contact with the person [develop a beautiful walk].

4. Make Changes to the way you talk and practice having a pleasing voice by breathing from the diaphragm rather than chest [develop a good speaking voice].

5. Make Changes to your appearance and choose best fashion and style for yourself. Get a manicure treatment [by yourself or professionally].

6. Make Changes to your appearance and choose best hair style for yourself. Get your hair done and styled [by yourself or professionally].

7. Make certain you have a firm handshake when you greet someone. A handshake is an expression of friendliness. It tells the other person you are glad to see him. It is an expression of your personality.

Are you interested in my online courses to start a business?

To the new and experienced entrepreneurs, getting help with your small business is very crucial to your success. Getting the right help will cause you to avoid costly mistakes, and it can also help you to save a lot of time, money and energy. You will need to get the right help to form the legal structure of the business, financial, management, procurement/certification, marketing, pricing products, preparing a business plan, and more. If you are a business owner who is wondering if you can take your business to new heights, contact Dr. Waters at tina@mail.org or tina.waters@waienterprises.com

How to Start a Quilting Business 1

 How to Start a Quilting Business 1

Image source: http://www.craftsy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Screen-Shot-2013-05-07-at-9.10.19-AM.png

How to Start a Quilting Business 1

Do you have a lot of scrap fabric around the house, if so, why not use it to make quilts? Many people start this business as a gift-giving hobby for friends and family members.

According to the National Quilting Association, Inc. (NQA), about 12.2% of all households participate in quilting. ...Do you have a lot of scrap fabric around the house, if so, why not use it to make quilts? Many people start this business as a gift-giving hobby for friends and family members.

According to the National Quilting Association, Inc. (NQA), about 12.2% of all households participate in quilting. Those quilters spending over $400 annually on quilting-related purchases are referred to as dedicated quilters. At least 99% dedicated quilters are women. The National Quilting Association was founded by seven women in the Washington, D.C. area in 1970. The association now has members in 50 states, here and abroad, with chapters in 33 states. Their annual quilting shows have been held in California, Washington, New York, and Florida.

They produce the Quilting Quarterly newsletter that covers news within the National Quilting Association and of quilters and the quilt world. NQA has established many programs to promote quilting and preserve our quilt heritage. These programs include: Master Quilters, National Quilting Day, Teachers and Judges Certification, Educational Seminars, Consumer Advocacy, Grant Program, Quilt Preservation, and Quilt Heritage.

They soon realize that people want to give quilts as gifts as well as keep them for themselves. As long as we have winter seasons, there will be the need for quilts to keep us warm. There are new equipment on the market now that will allow you to cut the quilt pieces with more speed and accuracy than in previous years. Now you can replace scissors and rotary cutters with the cutting system. The cutting system will help to increase your production and decrease your costs. There are also templates for more creative designs. Also, new computer technology and software packages will allow you to personalize quilts with pictures of family members as well as other graphics. Today, the art and craft of quilting have changed from hand to machine. The use of machines to do the work has made quilt making much easier and faster.

To find out how you can use your skills to start a home-based quilting business and make unlimited income, see article on Small Business Starting - Quilting 2.

Copyright 2007, Dr. Mary E. Waters, all rights reserved.

Are you interested in starting a business?

To the new and experienced entrepreneurs, getting help with your small business is very crucial to your success. Getting the right help will cause you to avoid costly mistakes, and it can also help you to save a lot of time, money, and energy. You will need to get the right help to form the legal structure of the business, financial, management, procurement/certification, marketing, pricing products, preparing a business plan, and more. If you are a business owner who is wondering if you can take your business to new heights, contact Dr. Waters at tina.waters@waienterprises.com.

The three Levels Of Belief

The three Levels Of Belief

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/3482837/12/images/3/Unit+1%3A+Faith+%26+the+Search+for+God.jpg

This was the book which triggered my interest and subsequently of this sure bet passion in researching the facility of questions in shaping our characters and finally our destinies. But in recent instances there has been an additional measurement of understanding that I had received from another aspect defined in the book, and that's the facility of beliefs.

As I was sitting in the bus, I was scribbling in my pc my answers to the very classic query, What forms a belief?. Ultimately, shut to an hour of thinking, conceptualising, philosophising and mind mapping, I discovered that there are literally only 2 aspects that solidify any belief. What are they? Ill let you know in a future web publication put up.

I drew a graph in my pc to display screen the relationship between level of conviction and diploma of immersion. Perhaps Ill put up it here next time I am succesful of.

Simple. It requires knowledge and implementation of the two aspects I outlined in advance that solidify any belief we want to carry in our minds. Ill equally elaborate on this in my web publication, Ultimate Secrets of Success.

-Ilmul Yaqin (Conviction by Knowing)
-Ainul Yaqin (Conviction by the Eye)
-Haqqul Yaqin (True Conviction)

For now, Ill only be discussing the 3 stages of belief and why you will have to know and recognise them.

I was euphoric when I got back from work in recent instances as I had merely signed my contract, and this euphoria someway inspired my creative juices to write furiously in my diary the rules I want to divulge later the ensuing article as I sit in the bus.

About eight years ago, I read about a book that was written 17 years ago. It was Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within. In it, he defined what he called The Master System and it utilised his Neuro Associative Conditioning know-how.

Its a lengthy story but the gist of it will be that I tripled my monthly revenue by diligently implementing an EFT experiment in a span of only 28 days, at the stop of which a new career opportunity furnished itself to me by the usage of a friend and mentor of mine making an be offering to me, which I then grabbed in an immediate.

At the second level, i.e. Observation or Conviction by the Eye, you right now perceive with your sense organs the particular empirical or cloth confirmation of the theory to be true. This is when you finally attain the highway where the burning building is located and you see the smoke and the fireplace with your individual eyes. This is perhaps about as high a level it's possible you're going to get in phrases of having a belief in one factor (and we havent even talked about whether the conclusion is an empowering one or a disempowering one).

At the 3rd and ultimate level, i.e. Immersion or True Conviction, you are incredibly immersed, embraced, be at one with or become the very idea that you take to be true. A continuation of the above-all started metaphor might sound stupid and suicidal, but this may occasionally be the similar as you being in the fireplace itself and allowing yourself to be burned by it. You become one with the fireplace. You are the fireplace.


The more detached you become from an idea or an day trip that confirms an idea, the weaker your belief in that idea.
The greater the diploma of immersion and attachment in an idea or an day trip that confirms an idea, the stronger your belief in that idea will be.

This leads me to draw 2 conclusions about the stages of belief:-

The principles I am about to train you will provide you with an alternate perspective on how beliefs work and how they form our lives, besides an idea of learn how to reprogram - correction - re-prioritise them.

The past few weeks, I had been re-learning this precious and immensely favourable book as I am encountering some profound shifts and transitions in my life.

Now how do we take an suitable, positive belief about ourselves to the optimum level seemingly (i.e. Immersion)?

At the 1st, most classic level, i.e. Information or Conviction by Knowing, you are merely playing with an idea or entertaining a notion. It may or may not be true, but you are willing to provide it the convenience of the doubt and feel that it will be true. This is the principle classic level of belief. To give an occasion, it will be like somebody telling you there's a burning building about a few hundred metres in front of you.

When I say there are 3 stages of belief, by stages, I mean the diploma, intensity or power of a belief being held in your mind. The 3 stages, in order of lowest (weakest / merely a notion) to optimum (strongest / conviction) are:-

Ideally, this may occasionally be the level at which you will have to carry all your positive and empowering beliefs that will take you to greater and greater stages of boom, wealth and fulfilment in your life. You become one with the conclusion or idea that you are free, a being with immense manageable and vast capability with the ability to arrive whatever you will have this may occasionally be rationally seemingly if you take the exact plan of action and make the simplest picks.

Actually, I stole this conception from another subject and I want to credit that provide. This conception came from Islamic theosophy (philosophy of theology or theological philosophy). Now prior to you suppose Im about to go non secular on you, stay with me.

I merely landed myself a new career that pays me thrice as most as my previous one!

In theosophical phrases, the 3 stages are named:-

eight years ago, I was only 17 years old. The experiences, setbacks, tragedies, struggles, triumphs and learning experiences I had been by using over the past eight years compounded the depth of understanding and richness of meaning I attach to the wisdom and intelligent insights that Tony shared in his book 17 years ago.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

How to Start a Mail Order Business 1

 How to Start a Mail Order Business 1

Image source: https://3040andbeyond.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/proper-email.jpg

How to Start a Mail Order Business 1

A mail order home-based business offers attractive benefits because most of the work is done without leaving the home. In this process, the orders and payments arrive in the mail, you fill the orders and send the merchandise to the customers. Success in this business comes by targeting the ...A mail order home-based business offers attractive benefits because most of the work is done without leaving the home. In this process, the orders and payments arrive in the mail, you fill the orders and send the merchandise to the customers. Success in this business comes by targeting the particular market or customers that want what you are selling and are willing to pay what you ask for it. For this and other reasons, it is important to test the target audience before spending a lot of money. When writing your advertisement use powerful words that sell such as last chance, bargain, and free, these words and others are designed to get the customers attention so that they would respond.

Many small home-based businesses sell their products through mail order and other fulfillment services. As the price of postage continues to increase, the way to save money is to use the bulk mail rate. If you plan to mail two hundred or more pieces three to four times per year, you can save money by buying a bulk rate mail permit from the post office. Mail order experts say that the response rate for direct mail is three or more per hundred. All you can do is test the targeted market to see how it works for you.

Once you find the perfect product and market it using direct mail, the revenues will start flowing in for your business. To find out more about which mailing lists are available and the cost, see the Standard Rate & Data Services Directory pertaining to mail list brokers, at your local library. Make sure you do your homework and concentrate on an area you know something about. You may join the National Mail Order Association, to get more information and other benefits. No formal training is necessary to start this type of business. To find out how you can use your skills to sell your products on QVC Television Network, see article on Small Business Starting - Selling Your Products on QVC Television 2

Copyright 2007, Dr. Mary E. Waters, all rights reserved.

Are you interested in starting a business?

To the new and experienced entrepreneurs, getting help with your small business is very crucial to your success. Getting the right help will cause you to avoid costly mistakes, and it can also help you to save a lot of time, money, and energy. You will need to get the right help to form the legal structure of the business, financial, management, procurement/certification, marketing, pricing products, preparing a business plan, and more. If you are a business owner who is wondering if you can take your business to new heights, contact Dr. Waters at tina.waters@waienterprises.com.

The Importance of Money Management for Kids

The Importance of Money Management for Kids

Image source: http://xpartan.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/kids-save-money-2.jpg

When we teach 'funds leadership for youths', we teach non-public duty. We educate little ones so that they understand that they have a say in their financial future and that they will have an terrible lot more cope with when they grow up. Whether you, as a parent or educator, have a multitude of funds or not you can display screen little ones the importance of budgeting and prioritizing.

Although the funds leadership for toddler's movement is on the most fascinating of our educators and legislatures mind, it is up to us to shield this movement going. Insist upon your school bringing in financial literacy curriculum so your little ones can bask in the awareness they settle on up.

The funds leadership for toddler's movement facilitates provide fashionable early lifestyles the a ought to-have abilities needed to make it in the world economy. Through financial literacy curriculum we can display screen them important funds leadership for kid techniques equivalent to: saving, investing, budgeting, financial goal atmosphere, credit, debt avoidance, account architecture, funds go, having a healthy courting with funds and retirement planning. Basically, if we can teach them to save funds at a young age and give them funding abilities they have a big achieve many adults today want they had turning into up.

The younger you beginning coaching little ones about funds the more victorious. Children are type of succesful of determining up funds abilities with the proper financial literacy curriculum. Outside of school, day by day hobbies like chores and discussing purchases even as searching can source them settle on up important financial literacy abilities. The funds leadership for toddler's movement starts at home with you. So by making your day by day hobbies into added ways we can teach little ones about funds will most victorious source them in the future.

Practical financial literacy curriculum gives little ones a lifestyles ability that many individuals ended up missing out on for the duration of our own childhood. So many americans in fashionable populace amongst the ages of 20 and 45 have meaningful credit card debt for the rationalization why that until now there has not been a primary funds leadership for youths movement. In fact, the overwhelming majority individuals certainly not launched the way credit worked or how we may well bog down our lives with debt until we enrolled in the school of tough knocks.

There is a 'funds leadership for youths' movement that is raising recognition of the need for financial literacy curriculum. The classes our little ones settle on up though this classification of schooling are a ought to-ought to living well in fashionable world. Teaching these funds leadership for youths abilities opens up more opportunities for little ones than a lot of other people even observe.

An review of the partner and children funds will also be a terrific way to indicate funds leadership for youths that are considerably older. Many individuals were truly stunned to explore just how much funds it takes for us to enjoy a snug retirement. We certainly not really conception much about it as little ones then again when we did a massive majority individuals would of started to save and invest at a much younger age. The funds leadership for youths movement is ready empowering them with financial literacy abilities so that they certainly not ought to say "I want I knew about that when I changed into younger".

How Any Woman Can Become Rich

 How Any Woman Can Become Rich

Image source: http://img.picturequotes.com/2/461/460184/no-man-can-become-rich-without-himself-enriching-others-quote-1.jpg

How Any Woman Can Become Rich

Did you know that there is no shortage of money? The problem is that you may not believe that you are worthy of having a lot of money. Anything you believe you can have, you will receive it. If someone is going to get rich, then why not YOU?

Many women are on the list of the rich and famous ...Did you know that there is no shortage of money? The problem is that you may not believe that you are worthy of having a lot of money. Anything you believe you can have, you will receive it. If someone is going to get rich, then why not YOU?

Many women are on the list of the rich and famous today. There is no secret on how to get money. You either inherit money or acquire it through some type of business. Some people reasons for getting lots of money are different from others. Some will apply money to their daily needs and wants to live a better life. Others may save their fortune and leave it to their children. Some use money to devote to a charitable cause to make the world a better place to live.

If you want to create wealth, you must do something different. First, pay off all those credit cards and get out of debt. Second, you should make saving and investing your money a high priority in your life. To keep most of your money, you must make wise investments. You may start this process by seeking the advice from financial experts.

When you use money to fulfill your purpose by starting a business to help others fulfill theirs, then you are doing good. When you are doing good with money, you can expect to draw more money to you. Once you start drawing money to you, then the sky is the limit. This means that you can get lots of money or as much as you want or need to fulfill your purpose. It is like standing under a water fall, If you stand under a water fall, you are bound to get wet. The same is true with money, if you follow the principles of making and investing money, over a period of time, you are bound to get rich.

Are you interested in starting a business?

To the new and experienced entrepreneurs, getting help with your small business is very crucial to your success. Getting the right help will cause you to avoid costly mistakes, and it can also help you to save a lot of time, money, and energy. You will need to get the right help to form the legal structure of the business, financial, management, procurement/certification, marketing, pricing products, preparing a business plan, and more. If you are a business owner who is wondering if you can take your business to new heights, contact Dr. Waters at tina.waters@waienterprises.com.

The importance Of Incident Reports For Security Guards

The importance Of Incident Reports For Security Guards

Image source: https://images.sampletemplates.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/24183603/Cyber-Security-Incident-Report-Format.jpg

In my decades as security specialists I have been called to the internet site of an incident to guideline the safety officer. Most of the time the safety will have made superb choices and ensured the protection of assets and americans, however after i ask them for their incident report they'll lack crucial details. Every security officer should always be instructed steadily and generally on what to do in case of an incident. They should always moreover be instructed to read the performed incident report and ship all the restrictions required.

Many shoppers hire security guards to mitigate distinctive risk elements inherent to their market, web content location or industrial. They know that an incident which may endanger their assets or workers will ensue at some facet, therefore the hire a protection guard to be smartly prepared. Now it becomes the safety companys responsibility to arrange the safety officer smartly for the example that an incident occurs. The security officer needs to be able to make brief and functional choices and be able to appropriately comply with and report.

The incident report should always be devised by an expert security expert, who has faced a sizeable sort of numerous incidents himself. He should always think about the importance of the restrictions compiled on the incident report. The police will use the incident report to come across witnesses, therefore names and addresses of witnesses should always be written down. Many occasions incident reports will be utilized by insurances and courts, therefore the incident should always be outlined chronologically and with true occasions and places as an negative lot as viable. Possible perpetrators should always be outlined with as an negative lot detail as viable. If government are called, the name of the primary officer and the police report number should always be received. 

The security officer should always protect himself by recording the time he called government and the name of the adult he talked to, time and name of the adult he talked to representing the customer and time and name of the supervisor he talked to. All the restrictions named above will make it less not light for the customer to get a refreshing snapshot of what got the next about and respond accordingly. It will me it less not light to prosecute a wrongdoer, get reimbursed for loss by the defense and to sue a somebody in court docket if necessary.

The security guard employed at any location for a protection agency should always think about his responsibility and characteristic the necessary files to write an in depth incident report. He should always moreover be defined why an incident report is crucial and what it is able to be used for. The incident report will thoroughly make a reliable quality distinction for the customer and the safety guard. While the safety officer might respond perfectly when faced with a destructive concern he will have failed the customer when not procuring the take care of of a legitimate witness or the description of a skill wrongdoer. Incident reports should always be written straight, because they'll enrich into the optimum priceless piece of facts for the customer.

The Four Pillars Of Financial Intelligence

The Four Pillars Of Financial Intelligence

Image source: http://services.iadb.org/wmsfiles/images/0x0/pillars-fixed-24000.jpg


Unless there are guaranteed outcomes and they're distinct and compelling adequate, folks usually don't need to choose up a e-book turn off the tv, go to workshops and gain knowledge of anything new, namely no longer for anything less than millions. And they need it quick too!

So, how do you gain knowledge of Financial Intelligence? I want to think about of Financial Intelligence as a platform on which you build your wealth. And like several platform, it needs to have a durable fortify, which I consider of as....The Four Pillars of Financial Intelligence .

These are the passive revenue streams that you will eventually continue to exist, but in the brief term they might be re-invested to get thecontinual of compounding called by Einstein the "Ninth Wonder Of The World" to be just right for you instead of against you.

Think instead "how could I have adequate money it?"


Pillar Four is "Growing Your Money" - gaining knowledge of how to soundly and, extra importantly, QUICKLY grow your extra revenue flows to decent sized FURTHER passive streams of revenue for you. We are no longer talking about the paltry rates of interest payable by banks and building societies here, oh no. (I chortle out loud when I see the banks launch a 5% interest rate deposit account with such fanfare!)

Actually, on that topic, do you recognise that statistically speaking, you have extra probability of an aeroplane landing on you than winning the Lottery? And that the usual in the UK is a spend of 15 a week on the Lottery? If you took that 15 for twelve months, and invested it at 20% per annum, it'd DEFINITELY be worth 29,903 in twenty years.

Oh, yes, you ARE allowed to share your wealth! What a chortle!


How does this one work? This is where you pull your money out again and you nonetheless carry on earning passive revenue streams on the unique investment.

NO !!!!

But if you KEPT placing in your 15 a week it'd only take you 11 years to make an analogous money. And only 30 years to make you 1.1 million.

Pillar Three is "Make More Money" and this involves the realisation that you must always never just depend on your job (JOB = just over broke do not forget that) for your only alleviation of revenue. When I talk to parents about creating other streams of revenue apart from their job, they frequently consider that I'm talking about working in a pub or stacking cabinets in Waitrose in the evenings. Not at all, I wouldn't insult you by suggesting such a factor.

No, we're talking about investing your money in the "Supermodels" of the Investment World vehicles that return a minimal of 20% per annum and then on to the "Big Daddy" which is when you get an infinity return on your investment.

And relying on just your pension for your revenue when you retire, when your pension is invested in the stockmarket (a good number of folks "in the recognise" thinks that there is a massive slide coming in the importance of shares towards the finish of this decade) .....that's risky!

With that thought I will leave you and hope that I've managed to get you excited about enhancing your Financial Intelligence with a view to making genuine, lasting wealth in your existence and that of your loved ones.

Which means that it's possible you'll put your pot of cash to be just right for you again and again and again, creating extra and extra passive revenue streams for you and you might even see the snowball consequence this can create. I have some marvelous chums that used an analogous (small) pot of cash to build a property portfolio of over 250 properties, worth 37 million, within 10 years.

Pillar Two is "Managing Your Money" and covers budgeting, cashflow management and projections, credit management and debt busting. Knowing the difference between just right debt and bad debt (and if you do no longer recognise the difference then you definately need to read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki rapid!).

If property is appreciating at a median of 10% per annum (and in our part, traditionally it's a strategies going to be been 14% per annum) it's possible you'll work out for yourself what passive revenue THAT portfolio is generating per annum. Well, in my case it's possible you'll if you have a calculator or a telephone!

Being able to compare varied investments like for like and even compare a property investment to a business investment, and a stock marketplace investment to an investment in an internet business, is a mandatory ability we will teach you in the Money Gym.

I'll come back to the young little toddlers inheritance later.

Anyone who knows me knows that I tremendously want to talk about Financial Intelligence in preference to Wealth Creation, but it's a strategies going to be just no longer just right marketing. Wealth Creation just sounds such a lot extra sexy, doesn't it?

Pillar One is "Managing Your Mind" where you become responsive to where you're now financially, your circle of relatives history with money, where your beliefs, behaviours and attitudes to money have usually come from.

So if you figure on enhancing the Four Pillars of Your Financial Intelligence, then you definately will build a corporate platform for your Wealth Creation occasions.

However, in preference to my frittering away my young little toddlers inheritance, my preceding age will be funded from ever renewing wealth, because I will have finally graduated in Financial Intelligence one hundred and one by then.

Relying on just one stream of revenue that is completely under an individual else's sustain is RISKY! I wish I had one thousand for every time I've been made redundant just thanks to some whim from the board-room. Some industries are worse than others and it's worthwhile to glance around you at what has been going on in yours recently. Feeling pleasant and safe? I doubt it

And then why, when I imply initially that folks create extra streams of PASSIVE revenue from problems like an internet business, rental property, an element time business or the stockmarket, do they tell me "oh, but is no longer really very always that tremendously risky?".

It's actually very light and this return on investment calculation can also be done on the back of a beer mat in a brief time (regardless of the truth it's possible you'll, like me, need a tiny calculator or your telephone! I only managed Grade three CSE Maths, you see) You ought to be able to work out what your return on investment it slow as well as your money will be, in order to work out if an investment is worth getting off the bed for, let alone getting in your car for!

Then you must glance at your abundance versus your scarcity thinking and become responsive to strategies to observe that carefully because that preceding scarcity thinking will pop up when you least expect it.

Actually I just described my preceding age, if you add in lengthy trip trips in the caribbean, purple velour shell suits, with lurid hair to match, a whole lot bling and unfeasibly high gold sandals.

You need to become a Supermodel of the Investment World the truth is. Do you just like the sound of that? I namely did when I first realised that it was once plausible for me.

Really, Wealth Creation and Financial Intelligence are very identical animals, but Wealth Creation needs to be underpinned by Financial Intelligence, otherwise the wealth will go the way in which of the wealth of maximum lottery or competition winners up the Swanee, spent on rapid cars, distinct houses, champagne and intensely unsuitable companions!

Learning how to pay yourself first in preference to paying Starbucks, Vodaphone, your close by curry area, Sainsburys, Egg, Total Petrol, and the checklist goes on

If the Lottery Winners were taught all the ones problems, do you consider just a few extra of them might take hold of on to their money?

In order for fogeys to get excited adequate to make the leap and enroll in The Money Gym, we'd like to talk about becoming a millionaire, and the millionaires we have helped create, because maximum folks can't usually be bothered for anything less.

By the way in which, paying yourself first does no longer mean spending your money on yourself in preference to purchasing nutrients, it means taking the money you save from economising there, and investing it in "revenue producing assets" and then re-investing some at least of the revenue from the ones "revenue producing assets" into extra revenue producting assets.....you get the graphic!


There are some strategies to create extra streams of passive revenue and the cosmetic of them is, with lots of the strategies we teach you in The Money Gym, you do the work once and the money rolls in thereafter, though you progress on to environment up a smarter passive revenue flow.

Whenever you discover yourself thinking "I can't have adequate money it" then you definately need to beware! You are stepping into the inaccurate way of thinking and shutting yourself off to rules.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018



Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/8stepstoconductingatrainingneedsanalysis-141001123346-phpapp01/95/training-needs-analysis-8-steps-to-conducting-a-training-needs-analysis-4-638.jpg?cb=1412166951

Customer dissatisfaction is a solid indication of a want for periods. Remember, how the grievance is dealt with may additionally test whether the jstomer returns or no longer.

The calls for analysis is a fundamental exercise within the periods and advancement course of. All periods packages have to begin with a calls for analysis, therefore the calls for analysis is continuously the first step within the periods course of.

The objective in sporting out a calls for analysis is to seek out answers to the following questions:
- "Why" is periods needed?
- "What" kind of periods is needed?
- "When" is the periods needed?
- "Where" is the periods needed?
- "Who" calls for the periods?
- "How" will the periods be finished?

Interviews involve talking with each one and each unique human being worker or as a set to focal factor on what probable concerns and concerns are guilty for the deficiencies. This system is a utterly decentralized and democratic methodology of periods in that it allows for for the legislations and opinions of the employees.

The calls for analysis is the birth aspect for all periods. The major objective of all periods is to assist unique human being and organizational efficiency. Conducting a calls for analysis is the first step within the positive route. In the periods course of it can tell you why, what, even as, wherein, who, and how periods needs to be implemented in your affiliation. With this recommendation, the trainer can begin to develop productive and winning periods packages.

In collecting instruction through a calls for analysis, the want for periods will likely be apparent once you find jstomer dissatisfaction, low morale, low productivity and high turnover between employees.

If you are because of declaration that coming up and supplying a coaching program on your affiliation, this is the first step!

Observations involve virtually that--wanting! Observing the employees at work can give the trainer with ample recommendation as to wherein the deficiencies exist. The solely undertaking with this system is that the employees will widely are likely to perform good because of being watched (which is, within the development that they know they are being watched).

The function of the calls for analysis is to establish what efficiency requirements are needed which can fulfill the affiliation's aims and objectives and to assist productivity, earnings, and virtually right high quality of provider.

There are two major purposes for sporting out a calls for analysis. First, it can determine unique steps that has to be taken which can make improvements. Second, it provides the advice to justify any valued at you will additionally incur because of periods.

High turnover between employees is an instance of sad and ineffectively informed employees. The employees could also be laid low with strain because of these points, and this will induce them to hope to depart their jobs.

By deciding periods calls for, a viewers can make a decision what unique science, science, and attitudes are essential to assist the worker's efficiency in response to the corporation's standards. The following four strategies for collecting instruction come with surveys, observations, interviews, and jstomer remark cards.

Surveys are used to recognition on unique locations of efficiency deficiency. Surveys could also be administered both by leadership or an out of doorways professional. The surveys consist of a written questionnaire that employees respond on an anonymous groundwork which can enable them to respond freely and be risk-free with their answers. The questions about the survey needs to be incredibly oriented toward the unique initiatives, on a daily basis jobs and needs of the affiliation and its employees.

Low productivity is an instance of vain periods, and even the absence of periods. As a supervisor, that's crucial to present mighty and mighty periods which can enable the worker's output to surpass their input.

Customer remark cards function an proper useful resource of advice as to what the deficiencies could also be. They all the time imply what unique locations want be given and why. Be yes that every one and each query on the jstomer remark card is directed toward a unique provider already bought which can test its effectiveness.

Low morale reflects sad employees (which eventually translates into unproductive employees). Inadequate periods is perhaps a explanation for low morale as it makes the employees feel unprofessional, insufficient, and unimportant.

The First Steps To Buying An Investment Property

The First Steps To Buying An Investment Property

Image source: https://mbasahm.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/10-Things-to-Know-Before-Buying-Your-First-Real-Estate-Investment-Property-SQ.jpg

Find A Property - Based on the standards that you came up with in the past step, use quite diverse things like web sites and a property research analyst to return up with a record of prospects. From there, run their tips by property managers from your enviornment in order to make a decision no matter if they would make good investment properties.

Figure Out Your Buying Strategy - You ought to have a plan in place earlier than you literally start buying investment properties. Work with a qualified property coach to plot a method  allow you to guide the kind of way of life you want.

There's no logical way to simply leap right into property investing. Instead, you wants to assemble a choose variety of things in order to get off on the right foot. For occasion:

Determine Your Financial Situation - A realistic assessment of your current financial position has to be made earlier than that you would be able to significantly think investing in any property.

Work With The Right People - One thing's naturally: You can't do it by myself. Look for a qualified property management Brisbane or a Real Estate Brisbane company to start off. You're also going to ought to search out desirable solicitors, finance brokers, accountants, property coaches, insurance brokers, variety surveyors and far of other individuals in order to augment your odds of constructing money with your endeavour. Surround your self with winners and that you would be able to't pass wrong.

Set Your Buying Criteria - You can save your self so much of time from the get-pass by drawing up a record of key characteristics for the properties you wish to positioned money into. Plan them out - then stick with them - for maximum outcome.

Laying The Proper Groundwork -

Use Property Analysis Software - Invest in decent property analysis utility and use it to make a decision no matter if or not your prospective properties mesh well with your buying method.

So, you could get into the investment property trade. Fortunately, it is really always an positive time to get started; however, there are many things to be skilled and recommendations to take into consideration. Before digging in for some serious research, though, make certain to familiarise your self with the preliminary steps that any a hit property investor must undertake. They are indexed underneath for your convenience; look them over then positioned them to exploit as you kick off your private home investing journey.

Stay tuned for additional steps to purchasing investment property.

Decide How You Will Invest - Some of the savviest
property investors obtainable don't always positioned money into their possess name. Instead, they use spouses, young adults's and other relative's names in order to maximise their income potential. If you possess a trade or have a trust, one of them could be used to shop for the property besides.

The Difference Between Overt And Covert Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The Difference Between Overt And Covert Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Image source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aaron_Pincus/publication/40679663/figure/fig1/AS:277206560460802@1443102602899/Figure-1-Phenotypic-and-taxonomic-inconsistencies-in-conceptualizations-of-narcissism.png

Overt narcissistic personality disorder manifests as grandiose behaviour, the hard of specialised medicine, having to be known as the principle favourable player, the principle successfulof a particularfield,the principle intelligent or the principle aesthetically stunning. This narcissistic personality must be regarded for his or her special talents and uniqueness,believing he or she is awesome to others.

The covert narcissist is sincerely depressed and veritably withdrawn, and projects these emotions instantly to close intimates in withholding and passive aggressive techniques. The covert narcissist just like the overt narcissist can explode, but it takes extra provocation. The covert narcissistic personality, just like the over narcissist also lacks a moral sense and can undertaking his or her damaged internal self instantly to others by lying, manipulating, withholding or abandoning using one thing tactic gets a reaction and hurts those closest to her or him.

Both the overt and covert narcissist has deep emotions of unworthiness. The overt narcissist will openly intimidate, lower and slander others as a result of deep jealousy and insecurities and has high ranges of mistrust believing other americans treat her or him with a equal contempt.

Overt narcissism is the principle glaring of narcissistic personality concerns. The overt narcissistic personality is arrogant, boastful and hard. This narcissistic personality is frequently an exhibitionist, and will also be offended if not fed conceivable and realization, or as a result of receiving criticism or slights genuine or imagined. The overt narcissist has rage very near the skin and can when not getting his or her approach.

Its very important to bear in thoughts that individuals with narcissistic personality disorder is additionally a mixture of the recent and cold sorts and can also match the descriptions of either styles of narcissistic personality courses.

The covert narcissistic personality is frequently annoying, pessimistic, unmotivated, and blames his or her past for insecurities and inadequacies. He or she is additionally superb drain on a spouse by being parasitical in using value, components and conceivable that he or she isn't self-producing.

Just just like the overt, the covert narcissistic personality type is kind of exploitative and believes he or she is entitled to take, but has very little consideration in contributing unless there is an ulterior motive connected.

The covert narcissist is the shy narcissist, but no less terrible and painful to get in touch with. The covert narcissistic personality just like the overt narcissistic personality has deep emotions of unworthiness and disgrace. The covert narcissist youngsters lacks the manufactured confidence to supply a grandiose false self to the international, so retreats to his internal international to reside out his or her pathological fantasies.

The overt narcissistic personality is kind of exploitative and ruthless within the search forcontinual and administration. This individual has the performance to be a public recognize and securecontinual, value and cloth wants, but in usual on the expense of others. Many an overt narcissistic personality can also not relaxed success, and can concoct credentials and achievements so they are going to benefit recognition that has never been earned.

Acquire Financial Expertise for Your Bootstrapped Business

Image source: https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/modern-management-of-small-businesses/section_14/14544f693386097299a4062e02bc7eb3.jpg A...